Career Questions of the Day

How much revenue do college sports generate for athletic departments each year?

What percent of Gen Z report having a "side hustle" (a.k.a. participate in the gig economy)?

How much can a creator on TikTok make if their video receives 1 million views?

Which summer job has higher average pay: babysitter, lifeguard or landscaper?

What percent of people age 65-74 are still working?

What percent of 16-19 year olds had a summer job in 2021?

What percent of high school students have considered vocational/trade schools?

What percentage of workers, whose jobs don’t require being in an office, are working from home all or most of the time?

Can you name one of the two richest billionaires in sports?

What is the median annual income for employed Americans?

What percentage of college graduates work in their field of study?

What occupations are predicted to have the most new jobs in the next decade?

Can you name one of the top 10 best employers for women?

What state has the highest minimum wage? lowest minimum wage?

How much can a creator on TikTok make if their video receives 1 million views?

A YouTuber with over 1.4 million views a month can expect to earn about _____________ in monthly income.

What 3 jobs are projected to be the fastest growing over the next decade?

What percent of people age 65 and older are still working?

What is the #1 career that high schoolers are most interested in pursuing?