Paying for College Fincap Fridays

Tuition, Fees, & Books, Oh My!

While the amount of money for college may seem overwhelming, there are many ways to lower the price through scholarships and aid. You can pay the rest with loans and any money you have saved up from high school.

Show Me the Money!

Many college grads end up with a job as a retail employee and such, so is college really worth it? Yes, college graduates make over $400,000 more than people without, proof of the benefit a college education can provide.

And The Award Goes To...

If you decide to go to college and apply for financial aid, you will receive a financial aid award letter. This letter will tell you exactly how much aid you will be getting and help you figure out how much money you will spend on college.

Be Fast with the FAFSA

To get financial aid for college, you need to file for the FAFSA. Grants, loans, and work study are offered at a first come first served basis, so it is better to file for the FAFSA as soon as possible.

FAFSA in the Fall

The number of FAFSA applications being submitted yearly has declined steadily. This year that trend continued to due to the pandemic, but many experts are saying that families shouldn't be too quick to give up on FAFSA!

Are College Degrees Worth the Fees?

Life in the midst of a pandemic comes with a lot of uncertainty. Many wonder if college is worth the prioce tag in a rapidly changing economy. What are the latest arguments for and against attaining a college degree?

Gotta Learn Before You Earn

Many Americans lack money management skills, and the only way to fix that is through learning about personal finance. Studies show that Americans who get personal finance in school were smarter about paying for college.

Guaranteed Access

April is recognized as Financial Literacy Awareness Month in America. News and media tell stories and share data about the importance of financial education. But who has guaranteed access to financial education?

Got Student Loans? You're Not Alone

Many people are using the phrase "student loan debt crisis" to describe the current situation regarding the amount of Americans who have outstanding student loan debt and the ballooning amount owed in total.

Money For College

Every year, families send their teenagers off to college. Do they have enough money to pay for tuition? What steps can they take early on to make sure that they do? This episode dives into 529 plans, scholarships & grants.

FAFSA Fast Facts

It's October! That means students expecting to be pursuing higher education next year need to complete the free application for federal student aid, better known as the FAFSA! Learn why it's so urgent in this episode!

Could College Be Tuition-Free?

In April 2022, news went viral that New Mexico became the first state ever to offer free tuition to public colleges for all students who reside in the state. This has raised both excitement and concern from the public.

Major Changes to FAFSA

At the end of 2021 policy changes were put into effect for higher education. A number of changes will begin in July of 2023, but some will already be reflected on the upcoming FAFSA this upcoming October 1st!

Doing Well Due to NIL

In mid 2021, the NCAA announced a new policy that would allow college athletes to get paid for the first time in history. What is this new policy and how has it affected the lives of athletes in its first year?