Types of Credit Fincap Fridays

Money is Key in the Black Community

Each February, Americans Celebrate Black History Month. We do this by honoring the incredible contributions that the Black community has made throughout history, but also by acknowledging the Black history being made every day.

Buy Now, Pay LATE

The Buy Now, Pay Later service options we see when shopping online have only becomes more accessible, more popular, and more... risky? Aside from the fact that many people pay interest, data shows that many also pay late!

No Credit Score, No Problem

A new pilot program was announced in May 2021 with a clear goal to create more accessibility in lending and credit. But, while some people are in full support of the new ideas, others are speaking out against them.

Who Likes Rate Hikes?

Breaking news about The Fed raising interest rates is making it's way around the headlines of major news outlets, but most people still don't know why this move matters? Many are wondering how this impacts them.

Do We Have Your Interest Yet?

In December 2018, the Fed raised the interest rate to 2.5%. This will affect consumers as it will increase the interest rates people pay for things like student loans.

The Fed vs Inflation

In September of 2022, The Fed increased the federal funds rate to a range of 3% - 3.25%. This was major news in all major media outlets. Find out why this was such a big deal in this episode of FinCap Friday!

Cars During Covid

A surprising new trend has come about regarding cars during the time of covid. Experts are warning Americans to be careful with cars and there is a clear reason why they think cars can be more dangerous than we may think.

Gen Z Credit Frenzy

Data from Vantagescore in the summer of 2022 showed that, contrary to popular belief, Gen Z credit card customers are seeing an increase in the balance owed that is about 3 times faster than the average! Find out why...

Deals on Wheels

The majority of people looking to buy a car will use financing. Many also choose to try to lease a car as it is a cheaper option. But, there are still many reasons that paying the extra money to finance a car is worth it in the long run.


Many people are paying using tap-to-pay or their phones. Visa has announced that all new credit cards will come with it included. Many are still skeptical about its security, but TTP will make payments much easier in the future.

Split Your Payment in a Split Second

Many new fintech companies are offering installment payment plans so that buyers can split their purchases into smaller payments over a long time instead of paying it all up front. However, there are additional fees to pay attention to.