Individual Resources:

PROJECT: What's Your Plan After High School?

RESEARCH: Apprenticeships and Internships

RESEARCH: Jobs For You After High School

CREATE: A PSA on Why We Shop

ECON: Risk and Loss Aversion

PROJECT: The Ultimate Social Media Strategy

CASE STUDY: Budget or Bust? (Sp)

CASE STUDY: How Do I Budget? (Sp)

COMPARE: Needs vs. Wants (Sp)

CREATE: A Salary-Based Budget (Sp)

ECON: Inflation, Spending, and Wages

INTERACTIVE: Living Paycheck to Paycheck (Sp)

MOVE: Build Your Budget (Sp)

PLAY: The Bean Game

PROJECT: Budgeting with Roommates (Sp)

PROJECT: Rein In Your Wants (Sp)

RESEARCH: Monthly Cost of Car Ownership

RESEARCH: Online Tools and Apps

ANALYZE: A High School Resume and Cover Letter (Sp)

CREATE: A LinkedIn Profile (Sp)

CREATE: A Practice Job Application (Sp)

CREATE: A Resume and Cover Letter (Sp)

PROJECT: Create a Career Portfolio (Sp)

PROJECT: Who Aced the Interview Challenge? (Sp)

SOFT SKILLS: Accepting Criticism (SP)

SOFT SKILLS: Conflict Resolution (SP)

SOFT SKILLS: Flexibility (SP)

SOFT SKILLS: Good Communication (SP)

SOFT SKILLS: Positive Attitude (SP)

SOFT SKILLS: Self-Confidence (SP)

CASE STUDY: Bank on This (Sp)

CASE STUDY: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself (Sp)

COMPARE: Select a Checking Account

INTERACTIVE: Online Bank Simulator

MOVE: Your Account Balance

Reference: Make Deposits & Withdrawals

ANALYZE: The Influence of Advertisements (Sp)

ANALYZE: What is My Role as a Consumer? (Sp)

COMPARE: Types of Identity Theft (Sp)

PROJECT: Launch an ID Theft Awareness Campaign (Sp)

DEBATE: Should You Buy Cryptocurrency? (Sp)

CREATE: A Business Idea

INTERVIEW: An Entrepreneur

ANALYZE: Ethical Dilemmas

PROJECT: Ethical or Not?

ROLEPLAY: Workplace Ethics

CASE STUDY: Fender Bender Frenzy!

CASE STUDY: Like a Good Neighbor, Noelle Is There (Sp)

COMPARE: Car Insurance Comparison Shopping (Sp)

COMPARE: Select an Insurance Plan

COMPARE: Types of Health Insurance Plans (Sp)

MOVE: What Determines Your Insurance Premium?

PLAY: Types of Car Insurance (Sp)

PROJECT: Introducing Insurance - You Be The Teacher (Sp)

RESEARCH: Insurance in Your State

ANALYZE: Dollar Cost Averaging in Action

ANALYZE: Investing for Retirement

ANALYZE: Understanding Inflation (Sp)

CALCULATE: Retirement Savings Goals (Sp)

COMPARE: Select a Brokerage Account (Sp)

COMPARE: Types of Investment Funds

COMPARE: Types of Retirement Accounts (Sp)

INTERACTIVE: The Power of Compounding

PLAY: Roll with the Market

PROJECT: 5 Stocks on Your Birthday (Sp)

PROJECT: Joining the Market (Sp)

ROLEPLAY: Sign up for a 401(k) (Sp)

CALCULATE: Debt Avalanche v. Debt Snowball (Sp)

CALCULATE: Impact of Credit Score on Loans (Sp)

CASE STUDY: A Tale of Two Credit Scores (Sp)

CASE STUDY: Get Me Out of My Debt Dungeon! (Sp)

INTERACTIVE: Credit Across US Communities (Sp)

INTERACTIVE: FICO Credit Scores (Sp)

MOVE: Making Credit Decisions (Sp)

PROJECT: Build a Timeline for Your Credit History (Sp)

RESEARCH: How Can I Improve My Credit Score? (Sp)

ANALYZE: The Influence of Social Media

PLAY: The Ultimatum Game

ANALYZE: A Student Aid Report (SAR)

ANALYZE: College and Career Choices (Sp)

CASE STUDY: 50 Ways to Pay for College (Sp)

CASE STUDY: What College Should I Attend? (Sp)

COMPARE: College Needs vs. Wants (Sp)

COMPARE: Understanding the Types of Student Loans (Sp)

COMPARE: Which Repayment Option is Best? (Sp)

CREATE: Monthly College Budget (Sp)

INTERACTIVE: How Much Will Your College Actually Cost?


RESEARCH: Finding Scholarships and Grants (Sp)

ROLEPLAY: Peer Pressure Meets College Finances (Sp)

COMPARE: Charities

RESEARCH: Crowdfunding Web Quest

RESEARCH: Types of Altruism

ANALYZE: The Racialized Costs of Banking

ANALYZE: The Wage Gap

CREATE: A Timeline of Racial Discrimination in Finance

PROJECT: Build Awareness and Action

RESEARCH: Reparation Efforts in the United States

RESEARCH: What Is Your Experience With Banking?

CASE STUDY: Save Me! (Sp)

COMPARE: Types of Savings Accounts (Sp)

CREATE: Your Savings Goals (Sp)

PROJECT: Use a PSA to Inspire Saving

CALCULATE: Completing a 1040 (Sp)

CALCULATE: What Affects How Much We Pay in Taxes? (Sp)

CASE STUDY: W-2, W-4, Refunds, Oh My! (Sp)

COMPARE: Tax Forms and their Purpose (Sp)

REFERENCE: Do I Need to File a Return?

REFERENCE: Tax Preparation Checklist for Teens

RESEARCH: The Tax Cycle (Sp)

ANALYZE: Alternative Lending (Sp)

ANALYZE: Categorizing Credit (Sp)

ANALYZE: Should They Open a Credit Card? (Sp)

ANALYZE: Understanding Amortization

CALCULATE: Shopping with Interest (Sp)

CALCULATE: Using a Mortgage Calculator (Sp)

CASE STUDY: Gimme Some Credit (Sp)

COMPARE: Auto Loans (Sp)

COMPARE: Select a Credit Card

COMPARE: Which Repayment Option is Best? (Sp)

MOVE: Credit Musical Chairs


1.1 - Personal Finance Decision Making

1.2 - Exploring Tradeoffs

1.3 - Your Future Life

2.1 - Comparison Shopping

2.2 - Coupons & Discounts

2.3 - How to Read a Receipt

2.4 - Checking Accounts

2.5 - Different Types of Payments

3.1 - What is a Budget?

3.2 - Needs vs. Wants

3.3 - How do You Budget?

3.4 - Why We Pay Taxes

3.5 - Let’s Make a Budget!

4.1 - Borrowing Money

4.2 - Introduction to Credit

4.3 - Credit Cards

4.4 - Credit Scores

4.5 - Loans 101

5.1 - Why Saving Is Important

5.2 - Building Your Saving Habits

5.3 - Savings vs. Checking Accounts

5.4 - Open a Savings Account

5.5 - The Power of Compound Interest

6.1 - Why Invest?

6.2 - The Stock Market

6.3 - Stocks vs. Bonds

6.4 - Diversification

6.5 - Start Investing

7.1 - Digital Citizenship

7.2 - Identity Theft

7.3 - Scams

7.4 - Intro to Insurance

7.5 - Insurance Premiums

8.1 - Preparing for High School

8.2 - Resumes

8.3 - Soft Skills

8.4 - First Impressions

8.5 - Interviewing Skills

9.1 - Decisions About College

9.2 - Paying for College

9.3 - Alternatives to 4-Year Colleges

9.4 - Career Exploration

9.5 - A Budget for the Future

No Hay Crédito, No Hay Problema -

No Credit Score, No Problem

¿Quieres Ser Influencer? -

So You Want To Be An Influencer?

Por Culpa De TikTok -

TikTok Made Me Buy It

Comprar Ahora, Pagar Más Tarde -

Buy Now, Pay Later

Presupuestos Estadounidenses -

Average American Budget